Sunday, October 30, 2016

Positive Mindset

Dear Staff;
This time of year always seems to bring a little more stress throughout the building.  Perhaps it's that the "honeymoon" of good student behavior is over, or the anticipation of winter weather approaching... whatever it is, the heightened stress can be seen, heard, and especially felt.  Our attitudes may start to swing, and our bodies start to get run down.  I wanted to include a few things to think about this week, as reminders to dig deep for that positive way of thinking!

Positive Thinking Is a Way of Life

With a positive attitude, we experience pleasant and happy feelings.  This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy, and happiness.  Our whole being emulates good will, happiness, and success.  Even our health is affected in a beneficial way.  We walk tall, and our body language shows the way we feel.  It is any wonder that we want to be around positive people?
According to Mayo Clinic, there are health benefits associated with positive thinking, which include:
  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
One theory for these health benefits is that having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body. It's also thought that positive and optimistic people tend to live healthier lifestyles — they get more physical activity, follow a healthier diet, and don't smoke or drink alcohol in excess.
Something to think about... when you start to feel overwhelmed, remind yourself to be positive.  And let others know how they can help!
Have a great, and HEALTHY, week!


Sunday, October 23, 2016

SLO Development

Certified Staff;
We will be working on SLOs and PPGs Monday morning, and into the afternoon. Many of you have already started thinking about your SLO - I thought I'd send a reminder to help you get started on your planning so you can be productive tomorrow!

During tomorrow's meeting, you will have time to review and reflect on the Stronge Standards, and then time to work independently or collaboratively with your team to write your SLO.  Once the SLO is determined, the PPG is developed to support the learning related to the SLO.

It is my hope that SLOs will be nearly completed by the end of the day - and possibly even time for some team planning!

See you in the morning!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

SLO and PPG: October 24th

Monday, October 24th
Professional Learning Day

Dear Staff;
Our "Data Day" is coming quickly!  Here's an overview of the day, which has been set aside for you to work on your SLOs and PPGs.  I'm including this information in this week's blog to give you an opportunity to begin thinking about your SLO, so you can most efficiently use your time on October 24th.  It is my hope that you will finish your SLO/PPG, and have enough time for team planning in the afternoon.

Have a great week - 

8:00 - Staff Meeting (potluck breakfast/treats)

10:00 - Individual/Team Work Time

1. Complete your  SLO & PPG in My Learning Plan and submit for approval by October 31. Sue will be in the building, available for support.
2. Sign up for an SLO approval meeting for Oct. 25 (Day 6) if you are probationary, on cycle, or if you just want to meet. Otherwise, submit it electronically and I will approve it. Probationary and everyone on cycle should meet as an individual.  Others may meet individually, as a team, or just submit it electronically. Please SAVE and NOTIFY  EP Professional Goal Setting Plan on My Learning Plan before Oct. 25th if you are meeting with me. The SLO and PPG must be completed by October 31st.

Individual/Team Planning:
PLC Cycle
Plan for personalized instruction (Guided Reading, math groups, TARGET Time groups)

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Image result for parent teacher conferences

Parents and teachers are the two most important contributors to a student's educational success.  When parents and teachers communicate well with one another, they are able to support student learning together.  This makes the communication between home and school vital.  Meaningful communication between teachers and parents increases parental engagement in student learning.  It is also associated with:

    1. higher academic achievement
    2. increased attendance rates
    3. positive student attitudes and behaviors
    4. increased student readiness and interest in their work
    5. increased parent satisfaction with teachers
    6. higher teacher satisfaction ratings

However, parents and teachers don't always have many opportunities for interaction - which is why parent-teacher conferences are so important!  As you prepare for your upcoming conferences, you will take note of students' strengths and areas for development.  You may want to reach out to parents prior to your meeting with some sort of questionnaire (sample: Parent-Teacher Conference form). This will help you gather feedback, prepare a thoughtful response, and be most efficient with your time together.  Take time to talk to your students about their goals, and share this with the families as well.

Although the conference days are exhausting, they are also exhilarating, as they allow you to partner with families to build a successful school experience for your students.  Enjoy - and let me know how I can help you!

Have a great week!


Sunday, October 2, 2016

School Culture

According to Deal and Peterson (2009), research suggests that a strong, positive culture serves several beneficial functions, including the following:

  • Fostering effort and productivity.
  • Improving collegial and collaborative activities that in turn promote better communication and problem solving.
  • Supporting successful change and improvement efforts.
  • Building commitment and helping students and teachers identify with the school.
  • Amplifying energy and motivation of staff members and students.
  • Focusing attention and daily behavior on what is important and valued.
As we begin October, I want to measure our own Houlton School Culture.  Please take 5 minutes to fill out this survey (School Culture Survey) designed to collect a baseline, and to determine areas to strengthen, and areas to celebrate. Please complete it by Friday, October 7th.  The responses are anonymous.

I look forward to gathering your honest feedback, and will use it to make informed decisions on the next steps as a building.

Thank you -  and have a great week!