It's time to begin to think forward about the
Forward Exam!!
Reflections from the 2015-16 WI Forward Exam showed that
our students needed more support in answering
Text Dependent Questions
(citing text evidence to answer questions)
Although only 3rd-5th grade students take the exam, it is helpful for all staff to understand these types of questions and how we can prepare students to think in this deeper, more complex manner.
Here's a brief overview of what we will be looking at during this week's staff meeting (Feb. 28):
Learning Targets
- I understand what text-dependent analysis is and the criteria for success.
- I have one thing to apply to my classroom instruction to prepare my students for text- dependent analysis.
K-4th Grade- Text Dependent Analysis (TDA) Forward Exam 3-4
5th Grade- Text Dependent Analysis (TDA) Forward Exam 5-6Waunakee: Text Dependent Questions
DPI website - Forward Exam
Investigate/ Coalesce
Staff Meeting: February 28th - Presentation
Go PublicApply some of your learning in your classroom
1. Use electronic resources to cite evidence
- Highlighting important evidence and using it in a complete answer
- Taking Notes
- Scrolling text
- Padlet
- Diigo
- Padlet
3. Use Rubric to adapt for your students reading responses
4. Use exemplars to share high-quality responses.