Upcoming Professional Learning in January
Jan Richardson Training
Jan. 29th: K/3rd Guided Reading PD
Jan. 30th: 1st/4th Guided Reading PD
Jan. 31st: 2nd/5th Guided Reading PD
Assessment Summary for classroom teachers
There is an assessment summary sheet (paper copy) for each guided reading level lesson. If you have the F & P done for your targeted group of students, you will have all the information you need to fill out the assessment summary. It may be helpful to do that with Lori, or with as a PLC as you are ready. Filling it out is not hard, just may be helpful to do with someone else. Please check with Sue or Lori if you have any questions.
Please bring the following information from 1 group:
- Lesson Plans
- Running Records/Micro Records
- Assessment Summary Sheet
- Lesson/Records folder (or however you organize these materials)
- Any notes or reflections
January 25th - Professional Learning
Trauma Sensitive Schools - Training (8:00-10:00)
HHS Auditorium, speaker Dr. Babbit, to include all elementary staff
Elementary Common Messages (10:00-10:10)
HHS Auditorium, Teaching and Learning, to include K-5 teachers, reading specialists, and special ed
Correlation of Priority Standards and NWEA MAP Assessment Data (10:30-12:00)
Hudson Prairie, to include K-5 teachers, reading specialists, special ed
You will be asked to bring a device, winter data (printed for you), and your ELA curriculum guide (if you have a hard copy)
Increased understanding of ELA Priority Standards for February/March
Correlation between Priority Standards/ELA curriculum guide to NWEA MAP continuum to plan whole group mini lesson, with options for small groups/guided reading
Robust conversations and planning to meet the needs of students related to the Priority Standards
Lunch/Work Time (12:00-4:00)