Next Step Forward in Guided Reading Resources:
As we were finally able to complete our Guided Reading training with Carolyn last week, I wanted to share a great online resource with you, to help support you as you continue learning about this new format. The Scholastic website is designed to support this book: The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading (password: Results). Once you get into the site, you'll see a variety of videos designed to support individuals as they grow in their learning. The site contains videos that are organized by reading level (i.e. Emergent, Transitional, etc.), as well as Comprehension Modules and Downloads.
Comprehension Modules:
One of the documents Carolyn referenced that I found especially helpful was the Jan Richardson: Comprehension Strategy Modules (p. 256 in your book). I recognize that you are given many resources to support your work, so I think it's important to see how they all fit together. This list of comprehension strategies aligns with the F&P wheel, and as Carolyn showed 3rd grade, supports our ELA priority standards as well. As you plan your reading instruction, there are many things to think about as you choose your teaching points. This tool can help prioritize/sequence the strategies readers need, in order to help you identify your whole group and guided reading targets. The videos on the website can add additional information for most of the Comprehension Modules as well.
Please continue to work with Lori in the planning and delivery of your whole group and guided reaidng instruction. The district has provided amazing resources and support through the book, training, and follow up coaching.