Houlton MAP Testing Schedule - fall 2020
Here are some resources if you would like to do a little model/practice/intro of the MAP test with your students.
Warm up videos
Practice Tests
Start students from either location:
- Practice Test Website: practice.mapnwea.org– or –
NWEA secure browser App: Click Try the Practice Test from the log-in page.
Complete the generic log-in:
Username = grow
Password = grow
Select the options for grade, subject, language, and test.
MAP Testing Updates - from Amanda
There are a couple of assessment updates for you to be aware of:
The testing window has shifted to 9/28-10/16. With this shift, there is no expectation that MAP data will be shared at conferences.
Any accommodations to the testing environment should mirror the same process used to determine accommodations for Forward. For example, if a student is assessed on a math test in a small group consistently, then we should consider assessing that student in a small group on MAP as well. We should not be giving students accommodations simply because they fit a specific group (ie: they’re in intervention) This process helps to ensure valid and reliable data.
When you are completing your MAP schedule, be sure to schedule your building techs as well. It is helpful when they are on-site during testing and can troubleshoot issues that may arise.
NWEA has released new 2020 norms. This shift will require us to look carefully at past data as the 2015 normed data is not comparable with the 2020 normed data. There is more information about the shifts in this document and in the tables below.
Please reach out to Amanda with any questions.
IDL LEARNERS - from Amanda
Here are the parent directions and additional directions for you. You will want to send out the parent directions a day before so they have a chance to check their device. This information is intended to be supplementary to the information already sent to you via your Media Specialist. If you do not want to test your IDL students remotely or you have no IDL students, please disregard.
Your IDL students will be MAP testing this fall. If families filled out the survey and chose an on-site or opt-out option, I have communicated that to those teachers. If you have heard nothing from me, assuming they'll be testing.
We're giving you an option for testing - IDL students can test from home on the same schedule as the rest of your class which will allow the schedule to remain "normal" (Funny, right?) or I will create a separate testing session for your IDL students to test at a different time. (This will likely mean they'll miss out on something else)
The process for IDLs to access the test is basically the same - you will set up the test session, as you have in years past, share that with families (session name and password) and the student will go to the website, enter the session name and password. Proctoring directions would be given while the Meet is live (just like any other IDL day), the student logs out of the Meet and tests from home. Teaching and Learning is setting up a hotline for IDL parents to access if things go south during testing (you will not have to problem-solve for them).
I have not shared specifics with parents - the teacher will need to share the testing information with them.
If I am testing students, the teacher will communicate to parents and set up an assignment in Google Classroom, with the necessary links to connect me.
If you would like me to proctor testing for your IDL students, please complete the Google Form and I will follow up with you in the next week.
Please let Amanda know how you would like her to proceed with the IDLs in your class. She is happy to support you in any way that will make this go smoothly for you.