September 24 Late Start
Standard 3: Instructional Delivery

The district has identified three priority standards, which we will be digging into in the upcoming Late Start/Professional Learning days. This Thursday is our first Late Start, and we'll be looking at Standard 3.
The HSD Vision for Thursday is:
- Hudson educators know, understand and practice at the effective and distinguished levels in each of the Stronge Educator Standards.
- More importantly, Hudson educators have a strong sense of efficacy about their profession, leading to increased student learning.
Below are some things to look at to get your thinking started... Instructional Delivery is something you do each and every day - how can we fine tune it to make sure it includes high impact strategies that meet the needs of our students?
Here is the presentation for Thursday from 8-10:30.
Bring a device and your log in for My Learning Plan
Looking forward to our learning together on Thursday!

Teacher Standard 3 ~ Instructional Delivery (Priority Standard)
The teacher effectively engages students in learning by using a variety of instructional strategies in order to meet individual learning needs.
Developing/Needs Improvement
In addition to meeting the effective standard, the teacher optimizes students’ opportunities to learn by engaging them in higher-order thinking and/or enhanced performance skills
The teacher effectively engages students in learning by using a variety of instructional strategies in order to meet individual learning needs.
The teacher inconsistently uses effective instructional strategies that meet individual learning needs.
The teacher does not use effective instructional strategy or inadequately addresses students’ individual learning needs.
- How do I stay involved with learning targets throughout the entire lesson?
- How do I connect the real world with content?
- How do I incorporate higher-order thinking strategies (metaphors/analogies,compare/contrast)?
- How do I maximize higher-order questioning?
- How do I integrate standards with other content?
- How do I engage students through collaboration and active learning?
- How do I involve every learner in intellectual work?
- How do I create open-ended problem solving/inquiry?
- How do I facilitate learning?
- How do I incorporate students’ creativity and design?
- How do I use instructional approaches and techniques that are based on student choices, interests, passions, and ambitions?
Specialist Standard 5: Program Delivery (Priority Standard)
Developing/Needs Improvement
The educational specialist uses professional knowledge in an innovative manner to provide a variety of exceptional services for the targeted learning community.
The educational specialist uses professional knowledge to implement a variety of services for the targeted learning community.
The educational specialist attempts to use professional knowledge to implement services, but efforts are inconsistent in addressing the needs of the targeted learning community.
The educational specialist rarely uses professional knowledge to implement services to meet the needs of the targeted learning community.
How do I select, develop, organize, implement, and support curriculum for specific learner and/or program needs?
How do I use technology, materials, and other resources to deliver services and programs?
What varied and personalized strategies or approaches am I using to meet the needs of the learning community?
What specific examples demonstrate my collaboration with instructional staff to design, implement, or support services for specific learner or program needs?
What methods do I use to consult with administration, parents, community agencies, school, and support personnel to resolve issues and/or communicate progress related to the provision of programs/services to individual learners?
How do the services I provide support mastery of state and national standards?
How do I interpret policies, programs, and procedures related to the delivery of services to learners?
Reflective Questions of Specialist Standards
Developing/Needs Improvement
The educational specialist uses professional knowledge in an innovative manner to provide a variety of exceptional services for the targeted learning community.
The educational specialist uses professional knowledge to implement a variety of services for the targeted learning community.
The educational specialist attempts to use professional knowledge to implement services, but efforts are inconsistent in addressing the needs of the targeted learning community.
The educational specialist rarely uses professional knowledge to implement services to meet the needs of the targeted learning community.
How do I select, develop, organize, implement, and support curriculum for specific learner and/or program needs?
How do I use technology, materials, and other resources to deliver services and programs?
What varied and personalized strategies or approaches am I using to meet the needs of the learning community?
What specific examples demonstrate my collaboration with instructional staff to design, implement, or support services for specific learner or program needs?
What methods do I use to consult with administration, parents, community agencies, school, and support personnel to resolve issues and/or communicate progress related to the provision of programs/services to individual learners?
How do the services I provide support mastery of state and national standards?
How do I interpret policies, programs, and procedures related to the delivery of services to learners?
Reflective Questions of Specialist Standards
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