Sunday, April 17, 2016


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My weekend was incredibly busy, but I feel blessed to have had every moment of it.   These next few days will be filled with the craziness of Google training and new emails, safety drills, Earth Week, and all the other things that are overflowing off your plate. My goal for you over these next few days is to remember to recognize the things around you that make you thankful.  Maybe it's student growth, a child's smile, laughter on the playground -  pause and notice it. Then be thankful, and be happy!

My weekend highlights, for which I am grateful!

Confirmation Retreat

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Displaying confirmation retreat 2016.JPG
Displaying confirmation retreat 2016.JPG
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  1. Beautiful prom pic! Wow... where does the time go?

  2. Thank you for the much needed reminder, Sue. I am thankful for YOU!

  3. Thanks for the reminder to keep a balance in work and home life!! Love the family pics and so thankful for you!


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