Sunday, January 26, 2020

Staff Survey Results

Last Friday's staff meeting focused on the results of the Staff School Perceptions survey taken last October.  We identified two areas that are going well at Houlton, and the practices we want to make sure we continue.  It's important to recognize that we have many strong practices in place that we want to continue to support. The survey clearly shows that there are an abundance of great things happening at Houlton!  At a later staff meeting, we will use the data to identify areas for growth.  Using the results of both discussions, I will work with the SMART team to create an Action Plan to use at Houlton.  Here are the results we looked at:

Thank you for the thoughtful conversations and honest feedback.  The next steps will be to review the areas for growth, meet with support staff, and then create the Action Plan.  Please let me know if you have any questions, or additional feedback.