Saturday, September 7, 2019

Accountability Partners

An accountability partner is a person who coaches another person
in terms of helping the other person keep a commitment.

Why an Accountability Partner?

No one succeeds alone.
Behind every successful person, there is a great person or team.  Surround yourself with the right company.  Other people can provide the inspiration, knowledge, perspective, wisdom, and feedback you need to keep you on track.  That's why an Accountability Partner can dramatically increase your chances to succeed - a person that can keep you on track!

Social commitment dramatically increases your odds.
Consciously deciding to achieve something increases your chances from 10% to 25%.  Once you decide when and have a clear how, your chances of succeeding rise to 50%.  When you commit to someone that you will do it, you stretch your probability to 65%.  Moreover, when you create a specific accountability appointment with a person you are committed to, the odds are in your favor: 95%!

The likelihood of getting new habits to stick dramatically increases when you set a time to report back to someone on your progress.  An accountability partner is the key to your success!

Houlton Staff:
I'd like you to consider talking to someone on staff this week about being your accountability partner.  Start with the goal of having a positive attitude, or an optimistic outlook, a growth mindset, or the goal to build fun into your work.  Plan to check in on Tuesdays, just to see how things are going - we'll call them our Touch Base Tuesdays.  This isn't required, but highly recommended - based on the fact that when you commit to someone about what you're going to do, your chances of success increase significantly.

Good luck!  Hoping you find an accountability partner to be something that helps you to reach your goals, while helping to build a climate of happiness at Houlton!!

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