Sunday, September 30, 2018

Student Growth

NWEA: Student Growth

As we look ahead to this week's Late Start, we will be having conversations about this year's SLO goals, which will be based on NWEA MAP data.  Why the switch?  After many conversations, we have identified the MAP data as more closely aligned to the FORWARD performance, therefore allowing us to use it as a predictor of future success on the state assessments.  

Here's the Houlton data from last year:
  • 64% proficient or advanced (61st %ile) on NWEA MAP
  • 65% proficient or advanced on FORWARD
  • 91% at grade level on F&P
As a result of this data analysis and related conversations, SMART goals and SLOs will be based on MAP data.  Our SMART Goal will continue to reflect achievement, and our SLOs will continue to be based on student growth.  We will be looking at spring to spring growth targets, and will focus on the importance of growth for all students throughout the year.  Lori has helped me gather histoical MAP data for each teacher, which will be available this week to help build a better understanding of our students.

We know that up to 70% of students nationally are not achieving "proficiency" on today's summative tests.  It is imperative that teachers know the starting point and can follow the progress of each student.  Then they can engage the students in charting an instructional path that moves toward success.  Along the way, the student still may not be rated as proficient on summative assessments, but this does not mean that he or she is not growing academically.  
The Case for Growth: Why Measure Student Learning, NWEA

We will continue to dig into our MAP data this week - just wanted to plant the seed!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Caring for our Community

Image result for caring for our community

In the calmer days of the weekend, I have been thinking of the Houlton community, and the role models I see for our students and families.  Our Houlton Way is not only an expectation of our students, it's a guiding principle for our staff.  I am reminded daily of the amazing things our staff does to care for our community.  And for that, I am very grateful...
  • Caring for all students, regardless of their needs and responses.
  • Exercising patience when it feels almost impossible.
  • Watching out for our students' families, and providing love and support when needed.
  • Paying attention to our colleagues, and reaching out to help when possible.
  • Communicating with families to share the great things their kids are doing.
  • Making deposits, even when it's challenging.
  • Volunteering to support when extra hands are needed.  Often without even being asked.

    It is a joy to be a part of our community of caring!

    Sunday, September 16, 2018

    Outdoor Learning

    Get Outside!

    It seems obvious that spending time outside is good for you. Whether it’s taking a walk to clear your head or smelling flowers in a backyard garden, getting outside is a dependable way to feel better.The effect is real, and over the years, scientists have shown that nature can provide stress relief, increase social interaction, encourage physical exercise and even help soothe mental illness. It seems that kids have less opportunity to be outdoors, in terms of both time and space. Some schools are responding by having nature experiences as part of a class, recess, or special activity, as they recognize the potentially significant effects on learning and mental health.

    Educational research suggests that contact with nature supports the development of cognitive, emotional, and spiritual connections to environments around them. It also suggests that contact with nature is important for children’s mental, emotional, and social health because imagination and creativity, cognitive and intellectual development, and social relationships are encouraged in outdoor activity, all of which improve the child’s mental health and function.

    As we look ahead to the next few weeks of nice weather, I hope you have an opportunity to bring your students outside.  It will be a positive experience for everyone!

    If there's anything I can do to help facilitate an outdoor experience for your class, please let me know!