Saturday, February 27, 2021

Kindness Week


Welcome to Kindness Week!
March 1-5

Kindness Matters at Houlton!

Thank you to Mrs. Bohl's class for planning Kindness week at Houlton! The plans will combine the Great Kindness Challenge and Random Acts of Kindness Week, which are both about providing tools for creating a positive school environment. Houlton is going to focus on a variety of kindness activities the week of March 1-5, including making a school-wide display called Kindness is Blossoming at Houlton, which will showcase kind activities that were completed during the week.  We are looking forward to a full week of kindness!

Monday, March 1 : Kickoff  to Kindness Week

Kick off shoes for reading during Read to Self in class!

Classrooms will receive hearts and a Kindness Challenge List  that they can use for ideas.  Students are to write or draw a picture of the kind acts they performed the night before or that day at school.  Mrs. Bohl’s class  will collect the hearts at the end of each day and will be displaying them on the wall outside the office.

Kindness Quote: No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted. -Aesop

Tuesday, March 2: Ride The Wave of Kindness! 

Dress up like you are on a beach so we can pretend it is summer! NO SWIMSUITS

Watch how kindness spreads in this video: Kindness Boomerang (5:44)

Kindness Quote: Kindness costs nothing but means everything!

Wednesday, March 3: Crazy for Kindness

Wear mismatched or mixed up clothes!

Pick out your favorite kindness act from this Video Clip - Random Acts of Kindness - Give it a Try! (4:24)

Kindness Quote:  Kindness is hard to give away, because it keeps coming back. -Marcel

Thursday, March 4: Celebrate Everyone is Unique          

Wear your favorite color!

Kindness Quote: Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world. -Harriet Tubman

Friday, March 5:  Score Points by Helping Others

Wear your favorite sports apparel    

Kindness Quote: Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. -Princess Diana

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Going Beyond Work-Life Balance to Ignite Passion and Thrive


Why Does Self-Care Matter?

Self-care includes all of the things you do to take care of your well-being in four key dimensions - your emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual health.  If you are a person who gives a lot of yourself in service to the well-being, learning, and growth of others in some way, self-care and care of others becomes a challenging balancing act.

Self-care is essential for managing stress, preventing burnout, and mitigating compassion fatigue - all common occupational hazards for caring individuals.  Helpers, healers, and leaders are often focused on the results they are achieving with and for others.  Self -care broadens that focus, and involves focusing on yourself and taking time to rest, reflect, replenish, and renew - taking time to nourish and nurture all of who you are so you can continue to be there for others.

Below are the four quadrants Sarah Johnson referenced - take time this week to think about how you are balancing, in order to TAKE CARE of yourself!  Try to keep these quadrants in check to be able to give your all... to all (including you!).

Links from Friday's Training:

Have a great week -

Saturday, February 13, 2021

National Kindness Day - February 17th


Wednesday is National Random Acts of Kindness Day, and it's a perfect time for everyone to share a little bit of kindness! We know that there are many social and emotional benefits of being kind, but there are educational benefits as well.  Kindness is a key ingredient that builds positivity and helps children feel good about themselves as it increases serotonin levels.  This important chemical affects learning, memory, mood, sleep, health and digestion.  Children with a positive outlook have greater attention spans, more willingness to learn, and better creative thinking to improve results at school.  This makes it a great thing to promote!

We will talk about it on Hawk Talk on Wednesday, and we'll have some additional kindness activities next week - but wanted to share some resources for you to use in your classroom if you choose.


Other Resources

Have a kind week!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Staff Development Day - February 19th

February 19, 2021

8:15-9:45 -  Virtual District Team Meetings (Social Emotional Learning and FPC Check in - certified staff); Specialist Plan/Agenda

10:00-12:00- Mental Health Training/Self-Care with Sarah Johnson

Going Beyond Work-Life Balance to Ignite Passion and Thrive - (10-11am Live Zoom Session - all staff)

There’s no question that every educator faces challenges on the job with ever-increasing demands that lead to stress and put us all at risk for burnout.  School leaders and educators often define themselves through servant leadership, tending to put others’ needs above their own and even end up sacrificing much of their personal time for their careers. If we aren’t intentional about our energy pouring, we may end up drained. Especially in our current circumstances, it is critical to remember that there is much in our lives that we can control, and it is time to empower ourselves to live intentionally in all spaces of our full lives. In this session, we will work toward going beyond surviving and be intentional about personally and professionally thriving.  

3 Objectives:  

Understand that balance at 50/50 formula is a myth, but we can live with passion, purpose, and priority. 

  • Learn a more robust way of looking at balance for a full life, focusing on the Balance Quadrants—Personal, Professional, Positional, and Passions.
  • Identify the key to thriving with balance, which is acknowledging a need for a mindset shift, assessing current reality, and setting plans to live with intention in all areas of life. 

Intentional Thrive Deep Dive (11:00-12:00, 60 minute pre-recorded session)

Building upon our time in the morning, which defines the case for going beyond a 50/50 work-life formula, this session offers specific strategies and action for participants to take. This workshop session will inspire you to examine where you are pouring energies and draining out as well as where you might make room to reignite flames in your lives that have fizzled.  Attendees will leave feeling relaxed as well as empowered to take intentional steps toward a more fulfilling full life. 

3 Objectives:  

  • Self-assess current reality within the four Balance Quadrants, identifying areas of strength and growth. 
  • Set actionable goals for building more balance into their lives through the Balance Quadrants.  
  • Determine at least two actionable strategies to align with goals in the Balance Quadrants to seek a more intentionally lived life.

12:00-4:00 - lunch and work time (SLO, IDL prep, planning, Year 2 surveys) - all staff