Sunday, February 21, 2016


Image result for a night under the stars
A Night Under the Stars

What an amazing Houlton community event that occurred this past Friday night - A Night Under the Stars!  We had about 75 people, young and old, show up for our first annual Night Under the Stars - and the excitement was everywhere!  We had the two large telescopes from the Minnesota Astronomical Society, as well as 6-8 other telescopes that families had brought with them.  We saw the moon, Jupiter and its moons, and the International Space Center even fly by!  The Girl Scouts served hot chocolate and sold their cookies - it was community at its best.

Thank you to the 3rd grade team thinking outside the box, and planning an event that not only instructionally aligned to their Space IUI, but provided an opportunity to families to come together to learn and have fun.  This is innovation at its best.

I encourage all of you to think outside the box.  Be creative, be innovative.  What we need to teach remains the same - but how you go about it is the  exciting part of education. How can we best reach our students, and engage them in learning?  Identify what you want students to learn - and then plan a unique way to teach it.  This is where your creative strengths are invaluable!!

Bring me your ideas...  I'd love to support your innovative spirit!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! I wish I could have been there. Great job Dan, Mary, and 3rd grade thinkers!


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