Sunday, February 11, 2018

Teacher GRIT

Image result for angela duckworth quote on grit

We've been talking about student GRIT, 
but what about teacher GRIT?

About this time of year, educators are tired.  Winter days, inside recess, parent/teacher conferences, grading and reporting, the flu, and not a day off for weeks.  How do we stay positive and engaged?  When things get difficult, teachers are no different than students - they need GRIT, too.  Grit doesn't simply mean working harder. Educators already work hard. Regardless of how talented we are or how hard we work, some parts of our job will always require added determination. We'll always face new challenges that will require us to try and try again while maintaining our focus and energy on the students.  So as educators, we need to remind ourselves of having grit as well.

As we think about the things that keep us up at night - changes in education, school improvement, student success to name a few - an article called Teachers Need Grit, Too! (ASCD, June 2017) states that it's essential to recognize that perseverance and passion are important qualities not just for students but also for educators.  There's a lot to think about in this job.  Educators have a great responsibility - it's tough work. Our staff needs to work together to create a culture that nurtures grit as an integral part of student and teacher success.  And when we do, we send a powerful message of possibility to everyone in the school. 

So when the day is difficult, remind yourself to persevere.  When your colleagues are frustrated, remind them of their passion for education and the need to focus on the solutions.  When you see someone showing GRIT, take note and offer a compliment. Or even offer to help! Together, we can support an environment that promotes GRIT FOR ALL.  And what amazing role models we will be for our students.

Thank you for modeling grit in your daily life, expecting grit from your students, and encouraging your colleagues to always find their own.  This is what keeps us going.

Image result for angela duckworth quote on grit

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