Saturday, October 24, 2020

School Connectedness


Research shows that students who feel a genuine sense of belonging at school are more likely to do well in school, and make healthy choices beyond.  This sense of belonging is described as school connectedness.  Factors that can help strengthen school connectedness for students include adult support, belonging to a positive peer group, commitment to high academic standards, and a positive school environment. School staff members are important adults in students' lives.  The time, attention, interest, and emotional support they provide help children feel connected at school while simultaneously encouraging student achievement. 

Houlton has many things in place that support student connectedness. Our staff works tirelessly to build relationships, with both our in-person and IDL learners.  Our continued high academic expectations set the bar for our students and families, with things in place to support all students and their needs.  And PBIS sets up the schoolwide expectations to provide a safe school environment.  

Last week's 5th grade camp experience further developed staff-student and student-student relationships through team building activities, and just spending time together in a different environment.  Although this year provides some challenges, we will continue to try to find ways to bring staff, students, and families together through things such as all-school BINGO, spirit days, and intentionally building connections.  Thank you to the staff and committees that have brought their ideas forward.

At this week's staff meeting, we will look at our students, and determine which ones are strongly connected to adults, and which ones might need to be more connected.  As in the past, we have found that this has had a positive impact on students and their connectedness to Houlton.  And I think staff have found it fulfilling as well.

As always, please let me know if there other ways we can build opportunities for staff and students to work together to build a positive school environment, to ensure we have strong school connectedness. This has always been important, but more than ever this year.

Have a great week -


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