Monday, January 16, 2017

Mid-year SLO Checkpoint

Certified teachers - it’s time to do a mid-year check-in and evaluate how far all students have come with your SLO goals, as well as identify specific steps that can help everyone keep moving toward to attain those goals. There are three questions that can help you make sure you have the supports in place to help you stay on track with your SLOs for the second half of the year. 
1. How will I involve my students?
When you involve students, you get better results. If you give them the tools to visualize their own growth, students can have a clear understanding of working toward personal goals. In general, teachers can better help students reach their goals by helping them understand how to articulate in their own words what learning specific skills or knowledge looks like, what specific activities they can do to move toward their goal, and how those activities relate to the skills and concepts they are developing in class, and how they’ll know if they’re on the right track.
2. How will I partner with parents?
Getting parents involved in supporting students as they work toward their goals can be another great way to improve the likelihood of meeting or exceeding an SLO.
  • The most powerful way to involve parents is through students. Have students share their goals with their parents (i.e.  by having students take something home to share). Encourage students to discuss with parents how they might continue to work on their goal at home.

3. What are some things I can do as a teacher to help make sure my students are on track)?
Because SLOs are often set for the whole year, one of the most important things to do is break down the big-picture goals into attainable mini-goals. Ask yourself,  If I want to see this kind of student growth from my class by the end of the year, what do I need to do each month? Those monthly mini goals might involve professional development, resources, time with a literacy/math coach, support from a grade-level PLC team, and more. It's also important to check on progress mid-way. Without this checkpoint, it can be difficult to have a clear picture of whether or not the class is on track.

Information will be coming out this week to schedule a time to meet with me to go over your mid-year SLO check.  Please let me know if you have any questions about your SLO.

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